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New Delhi- 110020, India

Ms. Parvesh Rani

Client's Speak

What our Clients say about us

Ms. Parvesh Rani
Ropar, Punjab

Parvesh Rani, a resident of a small village in Ropar, Punjab lived with her husband and two daughters. Parvesh and her family were living in extremely deprived conditions for the past few years. Her husband’s income was insufficient to meet the basic household requirements. She believes that every member of a family should contribute to the household, not just the men. She decided to support her family by contributing financially to make ends meet. She had a passion for sewing and was struggling to start her sewing business for a very long time but couldn’t succeed. She approached several local lenders for funding, but the collateral security they demanded remained an impediment.

She was introduced to a SATYA MicroCapital through one of her friends. She realised the extent to which this company’s approach & process was different from other MFIs. She immediately became a member of the Joint Liability group and receive a microcredit of Rs. 30,000. She utilises the loan to buy a sewing machine, fabrics, and other necessary accessories to start her own business. Before getting a loan, her income was approximately Rs. 100-200 per day, after receiving the SATYAs loan, they began earning Rs. 400-500 per day, which is a sufficient amount to live a healthy lifestyle. Her skill and the initial capital provided by SATYA MicroCapital have helped her become not only financially independent and capable of contributing to the household income but have also significantly increased her self-esteem.

She said “I am truly grateful to SATYA for changing my & my family’s life. The loan officer who visits us is always polite & treats us with the utmost respect. If today, I return home satisfied by happily working throughout the day, it’s only because of the efforts of the SATYA & its team”.