Welcome to SATYA!

New Delhi- 110020, India


“Best MSME NBFC/ MFI” “Best Branding NBFC/MFI”

Organized by Chamber of Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME) at MSME Banking Excellence Award 2022 (23rd February 2023)

"Best Tech Savvy Microfinance of the Year"

SATYA MicroCapital Limited" has bagged the "14th NBFC & Fintech Award 2023" in the category "Best Tech Savvy Microfinance of the Year".

Best Talent, Diversity & Culture Initiative

Distinguished NBFC Awards 2021 organised by Banking Frontiers. (20th Aug 2021)

Winner in the Category of Lending - Start-Up and Small Business Loan.

Organized by SKOCH FinTech Award 2023.

Outstanding Contribution in Microfinance and Nation Building.

Organized by International Business Pride Awards 2023.